Random acts of kindness make everyone happy! – CE The other day I was having a meeting over a coffee in the city My car was parked directly outside the venue where I was having coffee and I had…
Random acts of kindness make everyone happy! – CE The other day I was having a meeting over a coffee in the city My car was parked directly outside the venue where I was having coffee and I had…
When the student is ready, the master appears. ~Buddhist Proverb I am very conscious of what I eat and what I put into my body – looking after my physical needs to have energy and vitality to enjoy…
In today’s rapid paced and turbulent environment we are faced with a multitude of problems and issue, often on a daily basis, that need to be addressed quickly and effectively. Problem solving, innovation and managing change in the workplace are…
The brain is a funny thing. We are hardwired for survival – to look for threats and notice what doesn’t fit with our values. What is really fascinating is that when we begin to notice and appreciate the ordinary as…
Our subconscious minds have no sense of humour, play no jokes, and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image” Robert Collier (1885-1950) Motivational author A wise monk was sitting, meditating, by the side…
The world is more volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and urgent than ever before and research shows that less than 5% of leaders globally are functioning from their highest cognitive potential. Robert Kegan describes it as being “in over our heads!”…
Two interesting things happened over the past week to remind me of the power and beauty of NLP. I was at the Telstra Women in Business Awards on Tuesday night and Layne Beachley was the keynote speaker. She was wonderful.…
The only real valuable thing is intuition – Einstein Have you ever had a gut feeling that you found later to be true? Have you ever been in a situation where you trusted your inner voice made a decision against…
It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come. Dalai Lama Last week I…
Cease trying to work everything out with your mind. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation. Eileen Caddy Last weekend I looked down at my left hand…